Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cousin Photo Session

A few weeks ago Bobby went and hung out with his cousin Aurora and this is what ensued...

Both really excited to see each other

Bobby giving a what's up to the cameraman

Riding the horse AND shaking the rattle. That's my boy.

Oh what!? No hands?? What a show off.

Up to no good smirk

Kissing cousins

Super awesome bunk bed? Yes.

End of the Year

I have a few odds and ends photos that I wanted to post. After Christmas, we wanted to take a picture with Bobby sitting in front of the tree and then it appears we developed the habit of putting Bobby in big cardboard boxes and taking pictures.

We stopped in at a store and the floor salesperson gave Bobby a balloon. He was lovin it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Christmas in Utah

We flew out to Salt Lake on the Sunday before Christmas to spend the next 8 days with my family. Bobby did well on the flight and continued to win over people both behind and in front of him on the plane. I love happy babies. Anyways, first order of business when we got to my parent's house was to check out the new bounce house in the basement.

Bobby enjoyed it at the beginning...

...and quickly fell in love.

Grandpa got in for some of the lounging action.

We drove up to Beaver early that week so we could ski the backside of the mountain to ourselves. We had great weather and it's always fun skiin the beav.


John showing me how it's done.

We got a decent storm but it was so warm and actually started raining towards the end so the snow didn't stay long. I did what I could for the snow hill in the back yard. Dad's plow sure helped out a lot.

As you can see, Bobby was a little tipsy

"I can't put my arms down!"

We had fun hanging out with Grandpa

and grandma.

Cousin Jack grew out of his shoes after a week so my brother gave them to Bobby. He has about 4 years to grow into them.

Jack rockin the shepherd outfit for the nativity at the Emmett Christmas party.

Bobby passed up the more prestigious role of baby Jesus for a shot to be one of the wise men.

Turns out the wise men included both wise women and children.

This is when Jack and Lily both realized that baby Jesus was being played by their little sister, Isabel.

Sometimes it's more entertaining to watch the 12 camera people recording the show.

Grandpa Emmett with the two newest additions.

Bobby giving Kristin some love.

Grandma wanted a turn.

Back to Grandpa.

Even Jack wanted a picture with the babies.

That night in Logan, Bobby slept in the closet at the Marriot.

We were supposed to fly home Monday morning at 7 am but once I heard almost everyone would be up skiing at Beaver, I changed our flights. I couldn't pass up a family ski day. Especially since it had been a few years since I was around.

The 11 o'clock lunch.

Raise your hand if you're special.

The whole gang. Umm, John, goggles up dude.

Bobby waiting for the flight.

Watching the Mickey Mouse clubhouse on Mommy's Ipod.