Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More of Bobby

Don't really have a title for this post because it is mostly just a few random photos we have taken at the house. It seems like we always remember to takes pictures on Sunday morning after we dress him for church. That is why we have so many pictures similar to the one below. He always has Mommy's cell phone for some reason too.

One of my favorite things to do with Bobby is make him laugh. If you do something funny and new he will usually let out a good chuckle. For some odd reason, I've noticed people have no problem repeating the exact same joke/funny face/sound when it comes to interacting with babies. Maybe it's because they'll usually laugh again. Can you imagine if a comedian repeated his joke right after telling the punch line? Anyways, Bobby will laugh hard the first time, and then a little less each time until about 6 times.

He has been loving the camera so we are both excited

A little bedtime story from Fortune.


Lindsey Phillips said...

Wow! He has gotten so big!!!!! So cute!

Jeri said...

OHMYGOSH the ones of him laughing!!! I want them framed he is the cutest little boy in the world!!!!

emetski said...

Big boy, big smiles. Dang cute. Christmas is only a few weeks away. Can't wait to do a little sledding with Bobby!!